First phase
When I was a mahasantri (student)
in Ma’had Sunan Ampel Al-Aly, I enthusiastically joined every activities held
by campus and ma’had. I had to live there for one year. To me, living in Ma’had
was not too difficult for me since I used to live previously in ma’had in
senior high school. Therefore, homesick and adjustment is easy for me.
I had stayed in Ibnu Sina dormitory
in the first floor. I have friends coming from various cities such as Gresik,
Lamongan, Magetan and so on. Each room consists of six students from different
departments. I lived with students from Islamic Education, Information
technology, and Social study department. Every two rooms were supervised by a
supervisor who is the senior students, namely musyrif. We were so happy because we can share lots of
experience we have and promote togetherness. Being together gives me valuable
understandings to be more tolerance and care with others.
Actually, I had not any
willingness to be musyrif (supervisor) in the first time. However, in
the end of the period living in the ma’had, I changed my mind that being them
is such kind of self-satisfaction. I can share my knowledge especially my
English, Arabic and also others. So, the enrollment is open, I tried to apply
it. Fortunately, I was accepted being supervisor. I was so glad and I informed
to my parents about this information. They were so surprised. They just prayed
for me for the best thing. Therefore, I did not need to find homestay in the
third semester because I automatically lived in Ma’had freely.
In the first year of musyrif, I
stayed in Ibnu Kholdun dormitory. In this period, I tried to learn to my
senior how to be a good musyrif and also organization. My advisor appointed me
as security divisions which function to secure the dormitory. I think living in ma’had also encouraged me
to understand the organization. In the second year, I applied again and
accepted in Al-faraby dormitory. Then, I was a secretary in that
dormitory. I got lots of unforgettable thing when I was a secretary that I
should manage the finance of the dormitory. I was fortunate that I could be
friends of several talented people surrounding me. They have good ability in
singing, decorating, organizing and also being very creative. In the third
period, again, I was accepted as secretary in the same dormitory with my
advisor, Mr. Lukman Hakim, S. Si. For me, he is so nice person and easy going.
I was so glad being with them since all of my friends were so cooperative and
imaginative. I warmly thank to them as their support and spirit.
Second phase
Year of 2014 is something for me since I would have
graduation the October. So, since the beginning of the year I managed my time
to finish my thesis that would be finishing in the October. There are so many
burdens and problems in doing thesis while I had to organize people or
students. Lots of pressure from various sides made me so confused and I could
not be focus. Some of my friends had graduated on May, 2014. Actually, I could
be like them at that time. Nevertheless, I was not ready yet to apply my thesis
to the faculty, so I decided to apply next September. Finally, I thanks to God
Allah SWT for everything. I can pass this undergraduate school. I got cumlaude
score for my final exam.