The 3rd Period of being Supervisor/Musyrif 2013-2014

Ternyata sudah mau menginjak tahun ketiga menjadi seorang pengabdi di Ma'had Sunan Ampel Al'aly. Feeling nervous always comes into my heart even thogh I already experienced like this. It is very curious what will happen in the next leadership. But I just believe that I can do my best to MSAA. Learning from the previous period I knew what I should do to improve particular areas or divisions such as languages, ta'lim, and several events.

 To me, "experience is the best teacher" is totally true, previous period given me lots of benefits and great experiences. While moving ahead to prepare the attendence of new student, my friends and I are busy to manage everything related to dormitories and organisation. It is the fact that, advisor helps us to organize the dormitory. Without him, we are difficult to manage everything.

The aim of being musyrif is actually for the sake of Allah SWT (Libtighooi Mardhotillah). Everything must be dedicated to our God. It is believed that if we do som we will be easy to do what we want. In a Nutshell, I do hope that I can do and give my best. Wallahu a'lam

Big hugs


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