Nasehat Dr. KH. Isroqunnajah
That morning, I visited KH. Israqunnajah’s house. Then, I asked my friend, Umar Faruq, to go to his house. I took a motor cycle to go
there after visiting Ustadz Gufron in his house. I saw someone watering the
yard and I think I know him very well. Yes, he is Mas Hafidz, Bu Nur’s first
son. He was cleaning the garden when we arrived. Then I asked him whether Gus Is was available or not. Then, he answered that He was inside. Alhamdulillah.
(in front of the door)
(in front of the door)
I knocked once, but it was no response. I thought that he was busy. But Mas hafids strongly confirmed that he was inside. Then, I knocked the door for
the second time. Still the same thing; it was no response.
While waiting for him, I saw beautiful birds in the cage in front of his house. They are so colorful birds. Their sounds were even so amazing.
While waiting for him, I saw beautiful birds in the cage in front of his house. They are so colorful birds. Their sounds were even so amazing.
Surprisingly, he opened the door and welcome us to go inside.
He gave me valuable messages for me
Berusaha untuk Sholat
berjamaah karena itu sebagai Min asbabil futuh.
Membaca Sholawat Nabi
sebanyak 1000 x.
Mengirimkan Al Fatihah untuk kedua orang tua.
Sholat Witir
Doa mencari Ilmu
اللهم اني استوضعك ما علمتنيه فاردده اي عند حاجتي ولا تنسنيه يا ارحم
I was very happy given those messages. Hope that I can do
well. Lastly, he apologized for every mistake he did to me. For me, he is Tawaddu’
to every person he met, including me. May Allah SWT gives him good health.