Listening to Radio

Several years ago, Radio played an important role in transfering the information to the society. It can be proved that the independence of Republic of Indonesia had been announced throughout the country through the radio. Moreover, with the advancement of the technology, radio can be easily found everywhere such as mobile phone or smartphone. At some point, it can also be accessed via Internet or it is commonly called by online radio. By this kind of easinesses, it can absolutely give many benefits for the listeners.

According to the survey conducted by, it can be said that most people listen to radio because they want to update the current music or even listen to old music. It depends the channel that we want. There are actually several radio stations which have characteristics, from providing news, talks, musics, traditional music, family talks until traffic information. Those channels actually can be enjoyed based on the schedule arranged by the radio.

The next benefit of listening to radio is to practice on how to be a good listener. Since it is only played once, so listener must listen carefully to the things played in the radio, unless they will miss it. Generally, the radio station has a contact access which can be used for interaction. This can be in form of texting, social media or direct calling. In addition, interactive announcer is necessarily needed to attract more listeners. 

Since Radio has so many listeners from young to old generation, so it is such a good place to promote new song or things there. They are commonly called by advertisement. Listener who has such things to be promoted can use this kind of media to advertise the product or even song. Therefore, radio station must have strategy on how to be more creative in dealing with the content of the radio.

The, one of the outstanding online newspaper in United Kindom, confirmed that listening to radio gives the listeners more pleasure than watching tv or using a laptop. The findings portray that listening to radio can improve the mood of the day rather than watching TV or even playing a laptop. Therefore, a student like me who do not have TV access is suggested to listen to radio in order to improve the energy and good mood.

Despite of the massive entertainment or amusement among society in recent years, radio is considered as one of people’s choice to enjoy the music, information, or even for business purposes. By listening radio, it can release stress illness from our body and, of course, improve the energy level. Thing that must be improved for the radio station is radio ought to be more innovative and interactive in a bid to attract more people to listen radio.    


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